Show Jesus
Our goal is that each week, your kids would see Jesus. They will be taught the Bible in an engaging and interactive way.

Model Jesus
We want a place where your kids get to know and build spiritual connection with their small group leaders and teachers. We want this to be a place where they feel loved!
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
Nursery (0-3 yo)
We are excited to welcome your baby to our nursery. The nurseries are staffed with top-notch team members who are devoted to caring for all children who come through our doors. These team members have been interviewed and background checked. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Contact Us
PreK-3rd Grade
We love this group and their love to know and learn about God. This group is dismissed to their group before the message. When they are dismissed, one of our workers will be greeting the kids as they leave the auditorium. During children's church, the kid's will have a Bible lesson with our wonderful teachers.

4th-6th Grade
Our 4th through 6th grade have the opportunity to hear the Bible in a large group and then talk about how the Bible connects to their life in small groups. They will be dismissed before the message to their group. A children's worker will meet them at the door and bring them to their class.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Yes, all our volunteers are background checked and trained in accordance to the Pennsylvania guidelines.
All our children, 0-6th grade, are temperature checked before being checked in. For our PreK-6th grade, we keep the kids socially distanced. They are welcome to wear a mask as the parents deem necessary. Everything is sanitized before and after usage. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us through the form below.
During the last song before the message, the screen will indicate that this group is dismissed. There will be a volunteer at the front left door who will greet your kids as they exit the auditorium. If you feel more comfortable, you are welcome to walk your child to the back, where a greeter will bring you and your child to meet our children’s church.
Bethel Kids' Facebook
Our Bethel Kids' Facebook page is where you can stay up to date on what is happening. Here, we post about what is going on, helpful articles and upcoming activities.